.. _install: Getting the *envtoolkit* library ==================================== .. _install-req: Module requierements *********************************** The *envtoolkit* library requieres the following packages: - :py:mod:`numpy` (for maths) - :py:mod:`matplotlib.pyplot` (for plots) - :py:mod:`matplotlib.colors` (for colors) - :py:mod:`matplotlib.path` (for polygons) - :py:mod:`netCDF4` (http://unidata.github.io/netcdf4-python/) - :py:mod:`spectrum` (http://pythonhosted.org/spectrum/) .. _install-down: Downloading the source ******************************************* The *envtoolkit* library is available on a `GitHub repository `_. It can be downladed by using `Git `_ as follows: .. code-block:: none > git clone https://github.com/barriern/Environmental-toolkit The last version of the library is obtained as follows: .. code-block:: none > cd Environmental-toolkit > git pull .. _install-inst: Module installation ********************************* The module installation is achieved as follows: .. code-block:: bash > cd trunk > python setup.py install .. _install-doc: Generating the documentation ******************************************* The *envtoolkit* documentation can be built offline by using the `Sphinx `_ library. This is achieved as follows: .. code-block:: bash > cd docs > make html > make latexpdf The *HTML* documentation is built in the *docs/build/html* directory (*index.html* file), while the *LaTex* documentation is built in the *docs/build/latex* directory (*envtoolkit.pdf* file).